This game is just amazing and is still hyped in 2019.

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    • #171322 Antworten | Zitat

      Themen: 1
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      I’d much rather say they finish their “modern” trilogy or something. 3 and 4 kind of took place in the same near future conflict. Id love to see them close it out in some way. The dlc for both 3 and 4 almost seemed like it was telling a story leading up to a prequel to a full on sci fi follow up to 2142.

      I’m assuming (if the rumors from last year are still true) we are going to get bad company 3 next but who knows. They might swing hard into the future given all the historical stuff they’ve been doing. Bf4 was fantastic and I’m sad we got V instead of “bf5”
      I’m surprised it’s still going strong though, despite all the guys who insisted that people like me were personally ruining the entire the game by killing infy with the MAA…

    • #171463 Antworten | Zitat

      Themen: 2123
      Antworten: 2368

      Great thoughts. However this will most likely never happen. With the last BF4 DLC DICE tried to cover some Battlefield 2142 stuff. However a full 2142 DLC or even a game like 2142 would be awesome.

      A good Bad Company 3 could at least rescue the battlefield franchise and make the playerbase happy again. Let´s see what EA and DICE are going top reveal some months soon.

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